Unanswered dental questions.
Work is causing high levels of stress or anxiety.
No longer feel fulfillment in your dental career.
Unsure how to communicate with staff or patients.
Feeling burn out and lack of creativity
Avoid the normalized Facebook group postings with superficial advice and deep shaming.
I advocate for you with a 1:1 coach to prioritize your wellness. Offering practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to empower you on your journey with balance and fulfillment.
I’ve practiced clinical dentistry for over 11 years and have a doctorate and master’s in dentistry and Operative & Biomaterials. I educate dentists, transform dental clinics, and serve in the military full-time, all with two young children.
If you’re a high achiever, I’m right there with you! So much so, that I stressed my body into developing chronic pain syndrome. I now live my life balancing wellness with my passion for dentistry.
My goal is to share all that I’ve learned with you over the years and live a more balanced life through a fulfilling career without hard lessons.